What is i-Mesra

i-Mesra is a reference system to provide assurance to premises, products, and service owners that the ingredients and products used for food preparation are sourced from non-haram and toyyiban sources.

About i-Mesra

Why brands are signing up for i-Mesra?

With reference and assurance being the main objective of this system, it also functions as an inventory system which keeps track of the ingrediencies that a business utilises. This helps them to manage their products or items like a list or a map of everything the business has, so they can keep things in order and work efficiently.
Identifying Ingredients and Products
The i-Mesra System can simplify the process of identifying whether the raw materials used by the restaurant/premises are from non-haram and toyyiban sources.
Boosting Consumer Confidence
Customers will become more confident in a product or service provided by a food establishment because it complies with cleanliness standards and the i-Mesra SOP
Potential Growth in Sales
The system will provide assurance to the customers which in return would potential increasing the amount of customers visiting the restaurant or purchasing the product.

Brands who have signed up with us:

Seven OaksNY Pizza DeliveryMIXUELiHO TEAD'nest Dessert House